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Ready To Get Started?

Post your event on Universe. It's fast, easy and best of all absolutely free.

Sell tickets anywhere: your website, Universe, Facebook, etc.

Submit your event on Latincouver - people can buy tickets directly

Payment Processing

Secure and easy online credit card processing, no merchant account needed. Zero setup and
no hidden fees.

Social Data Tools

Free tools for email and social marketing at your fingertips. It's easy to setup and track conversions and campaign performance.

Advanced Ticketing

Multiple ticket types, customizable checkout, email marketing, coupons, tracking links, analytics, reports, and much more.

Create An Event

We Value Our Customers

"Powerful features, ease of set up and great customer support makes us come back to Universe for all our events. It helps me focus on other aspects of running an awesome event."

Suresh Doss

Food Writer and Event Organizer

Jeremie Abessira

European Film Festival

"Universe is one of those tools that every event organizer should be using. It makes selling tickets and managing attendees very easy, while saving time and money."

Create An Event

Start Selling Tickets Today


Everything you need to sell tickets, promote and manage your next event.

Sell More Tickets to Your Events

Reach attendees wherever they are; sell tickets on Latincouver and Universe or directly on your website or Facebook page with no redirect. 

Simple, Effective Ticketing

Sell Tickets Anywhere
Directly from a website, Facebook page or create your own branded event page.

Get the Word Out
Our integrated marketing tools help you sell more tickets.

Make On-site a Breeze
Easily sell tickets at-the-door and manage on-site check-in. 

At-the-door Made Easy

Use our free app to check-in attendees, sell tickets directly at the door, manage attendees and track sales in real-time.